Sintered Diamonds
Sintered Diamonds
Diamond grinders with sintered bond (DSB-Grinder) are mainly used in the dental laboratory for the fine shaping of all metal alloys and all ceramics such as oxide or silicate ceramics. Unlike the diamond grinders with galvanic bonding sintered diamond instruments are completely penetrated with diamonds and can be used completely up to the shank. This results in a long service life and high cost-efficiency for the dental laboratory.In the field of sintered diamonds innovative diamond abrasives designed for the various materials have been developed by NTI. The sintered diamond grinder NTI SuperMax has an organic bond versus conventional sintered diamond instruments having a metal bond. The organic bond results in a highly abrasive grinding capacity and at the same time leaves a very smooth surface. In addition to ceramics the NTI SuperMax can be used to trim titanium, non-precious metal, composite, gold and all soft alloys.
For the processing of all ceramic materials including zirconia and lithium disilicate sintered diamonds with special abrasive mixtures have been developed – the AllCeramic SuperMax, the AllCeramic Plus and most recently the AllCeramic Hybrid. As the AllCeramic bonder is a ceramic itself, it trims all porcelains chemically purely. Thus, no contamination takes place. In addition to this effect, the ceramic bonder reduces the heat build-up. This prevents damages during the grinding of various ceramics.
All NTI sintered diamonds are characterized by their longevity, very good grinding capacity, excellent surface quality and high cost-efficiency.